Bards pourhoney fromcrispations
of their mood and recreations,
breaking the reader's confirmed wit
pearls for one and all, what profit
Empty perfume bottle
With the first streak of light
she got up and
What if thy heart not burns in love
How a grave bright thy turns in love?
Undone and rewrite thy verses
Whirl O Darvish whirl
Lower thy robe black
Shun thy corporeal wings
Do whirl in snow white bell shroud
Birds in the Air
Little flying machines, regal hues under the azure infinite
gyring, in their own heavens, no rules, and precincts,
Erase these prolonged merciless marks on the moon, turn to me
The mirror of this broken window breaks the tune, turn to me
The carpet of damp lashes have decked up anklets at their ends
What veil the night has put on
to hide the unwrapped gash!
What virtue woes and worries
put on to verify loyalty!
From the curls of hanging locks, the goblets two robbed the dew, how nice
This season in tattered hem, I shall have harvested a new, how nice
A pitcher on mortal globe
A label on the headstone
Leaking the serum of life
Reading the fate of mortals
Edges, blades and cuts
Rosary, recitation and meditation
Bleeding breast, brushed ribs
Scorched veins, fumed vitals and but a pulsating heart
A beggar is reason
Love, the Prince's crown
Faith is the King
Submission, the Ecstasy.
Swifts of Najdewan
As the dusk unfastens its crimson scarf,
a crowd of Swifts tosses their wings
The ink of lashes on skin rough nursed thy name
For a reason, the open wounds cursed thy fame
Shall I into sandpaper turn my gaze or die?
Art is a vapour
a formless beaty,
a free end of freedom,
Oscar Wild's validity
Listen to the wind
gawl its whirling,
a myterious amity so fervid
of two wings, of same bird
Where there is smoke there is fire
Beneath a politician enjoys a liar
A black friend yesterday asked
Can this distress denser be than her tress
Such razor edges mercilessly cut
When on thy arrogant cheeks flirt the mess
Openly into bits put gallant gut
Where there is smoke there is fire
Beneath a politician enjoys a liar
A black friend yesterday asked
The Kingdom of Heart
My religion is love
My heart a Kabah
A temple as well
Modern Reader
Bards pourhoney fromcrispations
of their mood and recreations,
breaking the reader's confirmed wit
pearls for one and all, what profit
in receipt be of passive will
to receive the dulcet bubble
the way they wish
to take their dish.
In print, a complex expenditure
of varied meaning and the measure
surpassing the shell of intellect
to wind off the delicate carpet
laid down by hectic verbal wreckage
for every reader, every image
but serves as lush green infiniteturf
to dig a grave in measure of scarf
for that unheard old bard to call forth
his prior death, to enjoy re-birth.
Intentions- - - - The one best
Let not for nothing test
Bards execute all good
For the good to be good.