Mustafa BALTACI Poems

I've never seen in the sky
The touchings which remain from you.
Actually, my eyes could choose the most explicit lines
But nothing could stop the tears.

Bugün bir “ama”dan dinledim bu ş arkı yı ,
Cı lı z bir Manisa çarş ı sı nda
Ruhumun tekliğ inin bariz gölgesi,
Bariz çı plaklı ğ ı önünde..

The Best Poem Of Mustafa BALTACI

The Lines

I've never seen in the sky
The touchings which remain from you.
Actually, my eyes could choose the most explicit lines
But nothing could stop the tears.
I am blocked by eyes falls
The lines undergo to sadness of me
In the heaven, so, I stayed away from you.

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