Natalie Sapphire

Natalie Sapphire Poems

Beautiful, Colourful, Graceful
Flies, Flutters, Dances, Sings, Lands
Purple, Blue, Green


I travelled to the Dominican Republic one year ago today
It was only a week but by far the best week of my life
I learned not to take life for granted

Fly away
I’ll need you back some other day

I wanted to speak, but i had no voice.
I wanted to hear, but i had no ears.
I wanted to stand out, but i had no colour.
I wanted to write, but i had no mind.

Each of us is different,
None of us the same.
It doesn't matter what colour,
Why do we call names?

Tommorow is a new day,
A time to start all over again.

Many are eager to try,

When i speak, do you really hear me?
When i ask a question, do you really answer?
When i give you a gift, do you really say thank you?
When i thank you for a gift, do you really say you're welcome?

Je ne comprends pas comment tu es tres adorable et amiable quand j'essaye juste ici; je suis muette d'admiration. Tu es un oeuvre d'art dans ma vie. En voyant, je ris chaque fois! Ton sourient est tres mignon et contagieux! Je ne sais quoi parler a tu quelque temps, mais je pense que tu souvent. Tu es grandiose!

Ce poeme est environ un garcon qui je n'aime pas maintenant. Mais, c'etait un temps tres intense et emotionnel pour moi!

Pretty, Elegant, Wonderful;
Sways, Grows, Flourishes.


Nature is quite divine
The weather is always fine

But what do we do? We abuse the earth


I wonder as i'm walking through the sand,
Does he know i'm thinking of him?
Does he understand?

The young girl sighed as she took the last breath of some,
Dreaming of a summer that would never come.

Realizing she took life for granted, and never stopped to think,

Great Fun
Sharing, Laughing, Caring
The best girls ever

Shadows in the darkness
Swallowing many
Fear of getting eaten
Fear of the fading light

Come I'll help you touch the light.
There's nothing to fear.
There's nothing to be scared of.

Don't wanna run
Don't wanna hide
The fear is only deep inside

My love is as pure as a bar of gold,
It is more sweet than a robin's song.
My love is too precious to break the hold,
And only to me it can belong.

Natalie Sapphire Biography

I am a young poet/singer-songwriter who loves to express myself with a colourful vocabulary and imaginative ideas. A song is simply poetry to music! I am so thankful for the generous comments, rates, and MyFavourites!)

The Best Poem Of Natalie Sapphire


Beautiful, Colourful, Graceful
Flies, Flutters, Dances, Sings, Lands
Purple, Blue, Green

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