Natasha MaginleyFrancis

Natasha MaginleyFrancis Poems

Graduation day

Today is our graduation
And we are leaving all our friends


From this tree I hang, motionless
Like a dry leaf I hang, lifeless

When I met her for the first time
I was amazed at her presence
She was nothing I expected
Confidence just seemed to ooze from her

Dem Ole time something
Bring back a bag a memory
And a wealth a knowledge
And what a belly hotting laugh de ge we.

Oh! To be free
Free from PAIN
Free from CRIME

Graduation is a special Time
To show what you have done
A time for all of you to share
What your future has to come

I believe in love at first sight and happily ever after
I believe I was made in the likeness of my creator
I believe there is life after death, although I have not seen it yet
I believe my mother watches over me from above

Thrusting In and Out
Up and then Down
I love your ability to change
From soft to Hard in one instant

The devil appears in different forms
And has the ability to settle right up against the norm
A talented soul is he
He can transform his image into the likeness of mankind


Delicate like the green pastures
Of which we were told

God's Plan

My dearest baby Malachi
You are my sunshine and my heart


When I look in to his eyes
I can feel his embrace

The Best Poem Of Natasha MaginleyFrancis

Graduation Day

Graduation day

Today is our graduation
And we are leaving all our friends
But this is just a start for us
For a journey that never ends

We will miss our pre-school
And all our teachers too
Who always made such a fuss!
To mold, to love and to educate us

Written by: Natasha Maginley-Francis
June 7th 2010

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