Naveed Akram Poems

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Warn Only

Warn only when instructed by the little brains,
Their messages dissolve in water too finely,
Fully ridiculing the blowing botany,
And the zigzagging zoology,


Footwork denies me the legs of wonder,
These ghosts are like legs and arms of the young
Offspring who own the only weather.
Feet deny me the right to self-exist,

Wars That Be

Wars of the athlete are solid like grass,
The grass empties into the pit of sand
And the legs are bursting forth over it.
Many pits contain the message of eternity,

Enter The Light Of My Soul

Enter my heart through the back door,
Opening my martyred soul like the rainbow;
It staggers and shifts according to showing advice,
This day my soul has reached an eternal joy.

Souls Make Mistakes

Souls are a numbered few, who fly tonight in the heavens,
Men walk the plane, riding like the hawks of the sky;
Wherever you walk also fly for you are a soul that dies;
It is dying and death that astounds you enough,

Our Fate

Our fate defines the way we live,
So search for the divine court where
Living dissolves in front of you,
Miracles dine on your head at the other end.

The Light Of Difficulties

The light of the whole night is missing
For each man wonders why there is any star
For guidance and why there is a darkness.

Mystical Understanding

Mystical realities provoke my understanding,
Inside their realer minds is a disease called wisdom,
It shines beyond belief and creates more knowledge.

Return Of The Chariot

The return of the queen defies the resolutions
Of nations in war and in honesty of substance.
The return of the princess is subjugating the presence
Of lords and ladies that define our way of sight.

Rare Object

One ball of ice shares another rare object,
It decides like a leader of the wastes and plains.
One asking sentence is apt to recede like the wind,
In ever-decreasing circles, and planking action.

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