Axley Jade Blaze Poems

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Eyes Leaking Blood

Tears of rain, are these tears from pain?
The Earth is crying. We trample the atmosphere,
Stomping her magnificent design, in vain
She's sighing, and it's unavoidable—now she's dying

Womb-Stone (Elegy For The Madonna)

The Madonna is weakening.
We don't seem to concern ourselves with it because her graceful quietus confuses us; is an unknown universe to us, unmarked territory.
We ignore the vociférer, we ignore the content, we overlook the tale, we stick cotton in our sensory receptors.
We are shrouded from it by all that is mendacious; the illusion, the misconception.

Valley Of Disney Dolls

Smear the face with beauty paste
Stain the lips, swollen, red and just-kissed
Or bitten?
Ravaged, or rewarded and smitten?

It's Raining Daggers (Precious Heavy Metals, Pt.3)

His rage was his beauty, and it was like the edge of a sharp and potent but aged dagger.
A Kandinsky painting, timeless;
And senseless as well, without closer inspection.

Happily Never After

From conception she's been molded
Those mag-pie eyes, large and exaggerated
The doll-hair tightly woven the night prior for lovely wrinkles in her hair
Just the way Mama taught her

Black Hole Fun

I'm falling down
Even further down I go
I'm falling down
Even further than I know

Blood-Drops Are Falling From The Sky

'Blood-Drops Are Falling From the Sky,
Blood-Drops Are Falling From the Sky
The earth shudders once, she weeps, yes she cries,
As Blood-Drops Are Falling From The—

Nirvana Of Misery

Ignominious Death
Because she didn't head right instead of left
Turned towards the wrong choices, instead of the right
Lost all sense of what matters; lost sight

The Long Road

There is always a story
A narration
We want to know
Of that 1% margin

Satan's Deceptive Thunder

I will not be seduced by your deceiving sexual eyes
Your deadly venom, your Pulitzer-winning lies
I see right through you
I read between the lines

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