nimal dunuhinga Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Maternal Grandpa

His name is Richard, though it's an English name
He's not an Englishman.
But a good sportsman, my kinsman.
He does upholstery and when he sew brass eyelets to the canvas

A Mechanic Writes To His Fiancee

I want to be a fan belt
in your
break down

A Whisper In The Weeds

A Little Long Twilight Song

I parked my humble vehicle beside the Trinity Lutheran Church at Long Beach.
And waited for my singsong beloved's day struggle's over to pick her up home.
Yes, I have a home though it's a rented house.
I poured some water into the Radiator.

Hallucinogenic Sound Of The Sea

Beaches have no rest as same as the waves.
Deep sea hides all these mysterious happenings.
Hey! Champion swimmer do not go any further please
It's deep like life,

Is The Death An Exit?

'The people who beat me still walk here freely.'
- A villager from Zimbabwe-

Not only there brother

Why The Famous Muscular Champion Lost?

He holds the title since a long time in the ring.
But he never expected a defeat
By a feather weight skinny boxer
Who comes from a shanty it seems.

Chimney Cleaner And Soothsayer's Daughter

Romeo a handsome youth
Who carries a rickety ladder door to door
And clean the soot properly.
When smoke rises up to the sky

A Lost Bird Flies In An Awful Night

It's very strange when others rest in their peaceful roost
Why you struggle alone in the unlimited sky?
Take care my friend as the Air planes collide themselves
in the broad day light.

The Gravedigger's Companion

Spinster night has a sweet voice like a teenager nurse on duty.
I like her transparency and hate the daytime.
There she whispers something,
'Brother! You too awake like me in this quiet atmosphere.

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