nimal dunuhinga Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Paparazzi Friend With His Nikon Camera

He brings me a Photograph
Half cut Papaya fruit with its seeds
And he wants me to write something underneath
For his Photographic Exhibition.


She plays the three flavor strings
With the Bachi.(Plectrum)
I asked her name politely.
'Yukiko Suzuki' She said shyly.

The Deaf Trumpeter

How long are you going to trumpets
Your sad melody for the Trumpet flower in the Trumpet woods?
Brother! You get trampled one day by the trumpet weeds
And we never hear of you again.

The Iron Laundress Named Speed Queen

I stepped into the coin laundry early in the morning today
And washed my dirty linen.
Then I saw a warning tag says; 'Do not put any person in this washer'
But my inner soul cries; ' Jump into the humble commercial washer

She Wants To Make Me A Giant

Wife and myself went on shopping today,
She suggested 'Darling it's a Sunday'.
I was bit scared as my wallet is not so sound.
'Not to worry I got new notes with old crooks

Son'Ny! This Cradlesong Is Not So Sweet

We are always looking for something else
And really we believe if we get it
Then we could be happy forever.
Who realizes that 'Happiness forever' was an impossibility?

The Inner Music Of A Dumb Orphan Virgin

The rich stars begin to scatter in the twilight sky
And the haughty Moon peeps like a new silver coin.
I hear the melody; the rattle of her rusty till
And she begs on the muddy road with her usual grimace.

Ripen But A Bitter Fruit

Fallen to the earth with a branch from a decayed old tree.
It must be the 'Specific Gravity' according to Issac.Newton's law,
If the earth refused to plant my seeds
And I am sure a bird never takes me away.

Mr.Trump Here's My Fading Certificate Of Birth!

Born April 19,1951
At a General Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Male gender, colour of skin Tan!
Under the Star of Capricorn


Do you think it's enough
a single dropp of rain to clean
the dirty clothes and his soul?
The ragamuffin was in a rainforest

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