nimal dunuhinga Poems

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I Met A Poor King At A Decayed Railway Station

'Hello! A very familiar face and I am certain that we have met somewhere else before.' He started the conversation.
'I have no any idea but may be in our previous births.'
'Exactly, now I remember, I was a King in a drama and you were the court jester.' King replied.
' Oh! What a fine memory you hold?

I Let Her Know About My Windfall

Yes, I have promised you my Cleopatra.
If I win a lottery,
I take you a long trip around the World in three hundred and sixty five days.
Firstly to the Mount Everest and from there to Venice as you like gondolas.

When Earth Shows Anger

I realized that you too get angry sometimes as human beings.
But you should serve a substitute instead of ferocious Quake.
The innocents poured precious tears in their lifetime
But no gratitude shown at all.

Walk Along The Carpet Of Green Grass

I hear my Barefoot humble song;
'Thank you dear and it's of course a pleasant journey.
The grass whisper beautiful things to comfort the sole burns
But we infer that only a brief picnic and you are not a Grasshopper

On The Whitewashed Wall

A train of black Ants like a pilgrimage,
While they are going never miss to talk each other.
Where are they going?
It's a puzzle for me.

A Writer And His Ink Pad

He tries to collect the hidden picture in the smudged pad.
Oh! A wearied person dipped in a bottle of ink and he attempted to commit suicide by drowning,
But the bottle is empty.
Then he tries again to behead himself by his old rusty nib.

I Found A Verse On A Throw Away Bus Ticket

My voice hasn't reached you
I understand as we are too close.
Once we departed that echoes
If you feel alone and friendless.

An Interview For Hangman

'Yes, your qualifications are more than enough,
But you have skipped purposely the mandatory question.
What is your religion? '
He said; 'Humanism'

I Couldn'T Fulfill Her Strong Desire

One dark evening
I met a bare-footed little girl
Who carries a ragged doll
Along a narrow cobbled street.

Gloomy Autumn Laps Friendly

Here I have come again by the order
And I see a lot out of work.
I am so sorry and I would like to help you
As much as I can.

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