Nirup Ranade

Nirup Ranade Poems

At night I see my phone
Waiting for the ringing tone

I imagine my love with a lovely smile

The Best Poem Of Nirup Ranade

Remembering You My Love

At night I see my phone
Waiting for the ringing tone

I imagine my love with a lovely smile
Who is away from me miles n miles

When u were in my arms
I would see your face with lovely charms

I am not a poet but still want to write
Because I am sitting here alone very quiet

We used to speak everyday for hours
Now I feel I am behind the bars

I know compromises to be made are five
But what’s the hell going in my life

Peeping into my past
I feel very lost

Hope the old days come back soon
It wills be like a life in moon

At night I see my phone
Waiting for the ringing tone

Many more things appear in my mind
I pray to god to be kind.

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