Not Long Left Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wishing For Closure On A Welsh Shore

Stood upon sea smoothed stones
that have been slowly shaped over
time, each one rounded, rolling
under the waves.

The Reawakened Butterfly

There was once a beautiful butterfly
who when in flight it would flutter
its perfectly patterned wings high
in the great ancient arena of a sky.

Angels Of The Violent Night

you was a child, a child to it all that's why
even when in the thick of the storm you
could do nothing but smile, as hate met
hate and created pain your green eyes

Everybody's Talking To Someone Apart From Me

The birds in the ribs of the trees,

They Clean The Streets Whilst The People Sleep

You can smell the rot
long before The robotic
Carrier of rubbish halts
Outside your sleepy home.

Bodies, Poems And Hers

when lust is dead,
and routine pollutes the head,
lonely is your heart,
unused is your bed.

A Park From The Past

Sun hairdrying the grass,
morning dew,
Fading from View.
In the park thinking of you.

Love Is Lost

a bottle on my own,
king of my throne,
broken hearts
and broken bones.

Morning Legs Entwined

The ciggarette hisses,
in between our kisses,
slowly burning,
i am yearning for you.

V.T 4 E.P (Lovers Words Engraved On A Tree)

Where the beaten, acorn littered
Path divides itself into two
beside a thorny skin ripping
leafless bush.

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