oio ZIGA Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pink Bundle Of Joy

It is a bundle of joy
In an ocean of healing lights
And sweet scenting presence
Of smiling angels in blue feathers.

The Miserable Love

When i think about it all
The struggle to be happy
To be loved.
Finding that perfect companion

Star Treck Into Love

Come, spend the night at my side.
Beneath the thick canopy of tropical clouds
Staring at the gleaming stars in the dark skies
Rushed by the extrovert chilling breeze.

Fallen Prey To Aquar-Ius

Entrapped by the glow of her bronze feet
Bewitched by the pull of her magnetism
Hopelessly disarmed by the venom of her decietful smiles
Knew i not, how hard i fell.

Carnat -Ion

Oh burn through my defences
Thou flame of love-like spinning fluid
Cut through my hard heart -blade of passion
Let my resistance spill upon the boulders of love.


The sun smiles,
The moon winks,
As the trumpet sounds,
And angels rejoice.

Liverpool Of My Pride

Aye, I hope
Aye, I know
Dear Liverpool FC -will rise again.

Cosmic Soliloque: How Humane Is The Judgment Of Souls?

In the begining was the #word,
And the word was with God.
For the word was actually God.
It was with God that all things were

Born In Hell

None ever told me, I was a precious child
It wasn't long that the cold seed of hatred assailed love
To be born in hell
And raised with malice.

Mandela: A Spell Of Liberty.

Madiba Madiba Madiba! ! !
Rise a god among your kind,
Thou fearsome dragon of the south,
The raging star of liberty.

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