Feels life is a masquerade.
Random footsteps on dark parade.
Treading timeless in one place.
Mask held fast obscuring face.
Water flowing under bridge.
See it flow from distant ridge.
It starts out pure, crystal clear.
Sparkling over fall and weir.
Feels life is a masquerade.
Random footsteps on dark parade.
Treading timeless in one place.
Mask held fast obscuring face.
Hiding scars from hurtful past.
Thinking scars will ever last.
Heart been broken pushed too far.
Needs protecting seal in jar.
No way out feeling low.
Life on auto where to go?
Willing life to slowly change.
Surrounding people rearrange.
Footsteps start to beat as one.
Walking forward to rising sun.
Mask moves by memories new.
Each bold step holding true.
Scars fading into past.
New felt feelings going to last.
Broken heart slowly mends.
New met people trusted friends.
A special friend start to meet.
Walk to dance step move feet.
Mask holding at the side.
Steps matching partners stride.
Slowly jar will start to break.
New found love not a fake.
New beginning fresh love stars.
Open fully Jar of Hearts.
Happiest couple in light parade.
Life's no longer a masquerade.