patricia dashwood Poems

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Change Of Life

My heart is lost my feelings shattered
Upon a time I thought I mattered
Now my dreams have to be altered

It´s About Time

Time does come, ne'er to and fro
But no one knows where time doth go

Too often lost, but when sought can be found

The Same Ol Story

Of love there are so many words, written and spoken
Lucky hearts that beat, unlucky hearts that are broken
Some can take for granted, others receive as token
Love lingers in the memory, and rarely is forgotten


Frontiers that Mother Nature laid
No longer maintain a barricade

The pathless barriers of the Seven Seas

The Good Life

A good life today is measured by money
To me its seems strange and even uncanny
Artificial, superficial, new values of life
Outcast and ridiculed those born into strife

World Calling The People

I am the world, I would like MY say

Stop the abuse if you all want to stay

More Love

Of love there is more said than done
It seem just like tradition
For loves not only one to one
It’s also a condition

El Mundo Llamando La Gente

Yo soy EL MUNDO, me toca hablar
Parar el abuso, si quieres quedar
Polución, destrucción, corrupción, degenerar
Vuestro modo de vida, ya no tiene lugar

Ich Bin Die Welt, Ich Bin An Der Reihe -

Stoppe den Missbrauch, wenn du dich treffen willst,
Luftverschmutzung, Zerstörung, Korruption, degenerieren
Unsere Art zu leben, hat bereits keinen
Platz mehr Seine Art verfeinern, ohne vom Weg abzukommen

Le Monde Appelle Les Gens

Je suis le monde, c'est mon tour de parler,
Arrêter l'abus, si tu veux rester,
Pollution, destruction, corruption, dégenerer
Votre mode de vie n'a déjà plus lieu

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