Paul Warren Poems

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Roles To Play

What role do you play
As you live your life day to day
What do other people expect of you
Is there a way to act it through

Writer's Block

Have an idea in your head
Don't dry up as you dread
Continue to write without a block
Surely there is more to say or mock

An Asteroid Vs. The Earth

An asteroid collided with earth that was 10 kilometres wide
That wiped out the dinosaurs when they were fried
Putting stuff into the atmosphere for a two year winter
And this was what gave us mammals a kick starter sprinter

Albert Pierrepont was dubbed the Official Executioner of England
After first being Assistant Executioner as a family job on hand
Finally being made Chief Executioner after his father retired
And this was a part time job called to service as it transpired

A Lick Of Paint

A lick of paint to hide this thing
That is ugly in what it will bring
Bright colours that are cheery
Or beige or cream somewhat dreary

Police - The Drive In

Drive in theatres in 1976 were the rage
When couples met in summers made
And Whyalla had its own one too
On Fridays and Saturdays audiences it drew

Hold On Tight To Your Dreams

Hold on tight
To your dreams
As the right
To your future sunbeams

War And Remembrance - Medals And Deeds Remembered

What is wrapped in a medal
Of deeds that showed their metal
Blood, bayonets and battle had
For mates, for right against the bad

Facebook Has Crashed In Australia

So the worst is so (expleting))
How will they know what I'm eating
Or what I think about work
Or someone acting a jerk

Science Fiction - The Voice

It was just the little things I noticed day to day
A look, a blank stare that wasn't their way
It started after the unusual night sky
When an asteroid had flew past the earth nearby

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