Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Australia - The Southern Cross

Southern Cross how clear you shine
Above a homeland forever mine
The sacred light guiding our way
In our hearts to forever stay

Death - Counting The Cost

We spoke together quietly one afternoon of his son now lost
I came to realise as he spoke of his struggling with its cost
His son was young and just starting with his own life's journey
What happened made him question if as a father he was worthy

Terrorism - Not In My Name

I was programmed by my genes
And by my family not to demean
For my Christian teachings agree
To help the oppressed to be free

War - Ww1 - Diaries Of Dead Soldiers

Battered small handwritten notebooks
Just small enough to store in soldier's nooks
Pencilled papers in a script unclean
These books were written at times unseen

War And Peace - Ww2 - Wilhelm Furtwangler, Anti-Nazi

Wilhelm Furtwängler was a German concert and operatic conductor
Who was prominent in Germany when Hitler was their mentor
With Hitler preaching racism, persecution and murder in the world
He stayed helping Jewish musicians to survive as the swastika was unfurled

Grief – On Hearing Bad News

Just today a friend phoned to say
His partner had cancer and needed treatment straight away
What do you say to such devastating news?
It is certainly a situation that no-one would choose

Politics - The Cult Of The Leader

People think they need a strong leader to show them the way
So they had Stalin, Musolini, Hitler and Pinochet
They usually come to power when people can't decide
And their parliaments are fractured and will divide

Haiku - Gentle Breeze

Gentle Breeze blow
Caressing cooling my hot face
The eagle soaring

Police - Police Hymn

In the blazing sun on dusty plains
In the dead of night as the cold complains
We who wear the blue are standing here
In duty's call that is quite clear

Life - Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing lasts forever they say
All you have to do is wait it away
Until you see the end
So there's no need to pretend

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