Paul Warren Poems

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When Your Light Comes Shining Through

When your light comes shining through
It's from your eyes and heartfelt too
You will see the truth of it all
There is no hiding it's call

Love - Together Again In Love

As When the Great War started he was in line
To be a six bob a day tourist he was inclined
So he joined up and went home to his love
And when she heard it she prayed to God above

Lovers - Swaying To The Music

We dance together swaying to the musical display
Whilst the soul-full bass guitar is in a perfect play
The lights are low and we are alone in the room
The night and the music in an unending swoon

Haiku - Life Returns Again

The clouds drift across
The wind blows the rain through
Life returns again

War - War Since Ww2 - The Infantry Combat Badge

Our soldiers wear it proudly on their chest
And it makes them stand out from the rest
It is only given to soldiers who have been in combat
With laurels and a bayonet in bronze with a pin on the back

Politics - The End Of The Matter

The decision was made
As it is the end of the matter
Further discussion will not fade
As it is the end of the matter

Musings - Do I Need To Know

How do we feel safe in this modern world?
Can we now walk in public and not be felled?
When looking to find safety is it better that I don't know?
And live in bliss with no apprehension to show

Life - What Goes On In The Shadows

What goes on in the shadows that isn't seen
There are secrets that if known would be obscene
Are there sniggers by groups who want what they shouldn't
And when they are caught when they think that they couldn't

Australia - The Original Australians

Australian aborigines do not see time in a straight line
They see the seasons connecting each other in their mind
And know when to hunt and when to gather
Being tied to the land and its spirit did matter

Ghosts - The Beginning Of The End

The local aborigine men were sitting in a circle close by
And they chanted their sacred songs up to the azure sky
The singing of their songs stirred the land and their dreaming made
And they say during this sacred time lost spirits were appearing in their glade

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