Phil Soar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Songs In The Garden

Its Spring
I'm sitting watching birds
I'm watching from a plastic chair
Their songs are full of words


Evaluate the promises you made today
take pleasure in the ones that you have kept
don't leave a trace of failure in your footprints
and wipe away the tears you may have wept

Cocky Lover

I dreamt I was a sexy latin lover
With plenty of libido under cover
I woke with a shock
And a hand on my cock

I Grew Up

I grew up thinking Cuckoos lived in clocks
That eskimos wore fifteen pairs of socks
That instant coffee was a magic trick
That eating lots of chocolate made me sick

Exclamation Mark

I'm over-used, I'm over used!
Said the exclamation mark
I'm better than a comma
The relationship is stark

Dinner Lady

'I'll have some more', the infant said
As he stood there in the queue
The dinner lady looked at him
And poured him some more stew


As Border Collie's go, she is matched for the breed
Built for working, streamlined for speed
She's a little bit quirky, and quite a lot daft
And couldn't quite make it, in the herding sheep craft

A Land Of Make Believe

Beyond the edge of nothing, lies a land of make believe
Where imaginary beings float around on motorised brown leaves
Where the land is made of candy sweets, topped with caramel
And children play in chocolate rivers and do not mind the smell

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Stars At Night

She stared into the night sky
no clouds, but a plethora of stars shone brightly
appearing as celestial sparks
within a colonial universe and expanding almost nightly

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