Phil Soar

Phil Soar Poems

I must get onto Facebook,
And share my every whim;
Tell people when I've had a shit,
Or just been down the Gym;

A winter walk after a heartfelt Christmas day
No clouds, Blue sky adorn the sights along the way
The distant traffic noise, unwelcome harmony
Nothing but the sound of birds accompany me

Where the sea meets the shore and the sand wets the feet
Where rainfall is epic, and has flooded the street
When the wind blows so strongly, it uproots the trees
Nature can bring every day to its' knees

I find it very hard to see
Why I grew up to be a tree
I grow my leaves and then they fall
I don't know why they grow at all

Open my heart
Your name engraved there
Deep amongst the valves and mechanisms
Like something carved in oak

Redeem yourself, express yourself
do not leave stones unturned as you walk through life
and pace yourself
for the steps you take

Neon lights across the promenade
A mile of flashing bulbs light up the town
It's Blackpool, where early memories were made
Though now I cannot stand its northern crown


She came in search of paradise,
And knocked upon my door,
She'd seen me in a local bar,
Lying on the floor,

It felt a little awkward
As I lay upon the grass
Naked as my day of birth
The sun burning my ass

I submit myself to you for your imagination
without an explanation or submission
and make of me from these short words your own impression
you have my own acceptable permission

If I was ever lost for words, the tears would flow
That fountain in my mind would soon dry up
How terrible, if filling it again would be so slow
And the only aid I had was just a cup

The Orange blossom on the trees
Brings me down upon my knees
Makes me smile
Makes me glad

Hark, I hear a maiden calling
Shouting from the turrets up above
Her long blonde hair is dangling down and falling
I think that I am falling deep in love

I walk through life oblivious to the hurt and pain
Crossing over borders, I miss the turmoil
Working my way through clouds of smoke and guns
I stall a while and wonder why I am so impervious to it

Could you live underground with a rabbit for a neighbour?
Could you pick up a fungus and say it had flavour?
Can you wander the woods and be stunned by it's trees?
Can you scratch like a hedgehog, with plenty of fleas?

Thousands gathering on a beach
Just to catch the sun and sea
Why they think it's within reach
Really seems to bother me

It may not be your cup of tea
to read these written words by me
whether from the UK or across the sea
I write them down for you, for free

Our lives have many twists and turns
And troubles are seldom few
There are things in life for which we yearn
But never will come true

On a quest to climb a mountain
I staggered up a hill
I reached the top and gasped for breath
I really felt quite ill

Phil Soar Biography

I write as Ideas come to me. Nothing is ever as it seems and my poems are not necessarily about my life or my feelings. The words just come. I am born under the sign of cancer and my ruling planet is the moon. My poems tend to ebb and flow with the lunar moons, and there is no common issue that I write about)

The Best Poem Of Phil Soar


I must get onto Facebook,
And share my every whim;
Tell people when I've had a shit,
Or just been down the Gym;
I'd open up my heart and soul,
And spread eternal joy;
And tell the world how much I wanked,
When I was just a boy.

Id fill my site with Happy Thoughts,
And even product placing,
I'd photograph the skid-marks,
On my pants that need replacing;
Each day I'd write a daily blog,
With banal thoughts and ditties,
Post photos of me on the bog,
And flaunt my manly titties.

I'd keep the world a-breasted,
About everything I'm doing,
I'd keep my page updated,
Whilst I'm sitting down and poo-ing;
MY LAPTOP resting on my lap,
That's how it got its name,
My finger rips the toilet paper,
Now that is a shame.

An accidental Fingering,
Whilst sitting on the Loo,
Not the sort of thing I'd share,
Will all the Facebook crew;
But someone sends a link to me,
That takes me somewhere crude,
A site of toilet paper holes,
And fingers brown and stewed.

I can't believe the sort of stuff,
That people share out there,
Who tells the world their every move? ,
Do people really care? ;
And, Do we need to know all that? ,
Our lives all stripped and bare,
With every move and the things we do,
Why feel the need to share? .

There are those who also twitter,
Their lives awash with Twits,
Sharing every thought they have,
And getting on our Tits;
From stars of stage, and sport and news,
And those who live alone,
Tweeting when they've woken up,
And lying there alone.

They've all got their own followers,
Like some religious cult,
Tweeting crap and talking shite,
And writing to insult;
The need to reach out daily,
To tell the world their news,
To txt, to tweet, words from the street,
And all their insane views.

On second thoughts, I will not join,
Or share my daily grind,
I'll leave it all to those of you,
Who are out of your mind,
You tell the world your secrets,
You share most every day,
With people you don't really know,
Who might live far away.

So if you are on Facebook,
Or hashtag your life on twitter,
I hope the words you share out there,
Don't end up I.T. Litter,
I Do declare, that I don't share,
My feelings, thoughts and deeds,
Or try to share my drivel,
Till my brain explodes and bleeds.

Phil Soar Comments

Kumarmani Mahakul 20 October 2020

Phil Soar is very amazing, talented and excellent poet of this age. He writes poems on various topics. Starting from, 'Winter Wink.' to 'Expression.' his poems are full of amazing essence. I have read and reviewed his poems with great satisfaction. I am wishing him all the best! May God bring happiness for him!

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Sumit Ganguly 02 January 2017

Happy New Dynamic Year. Enjoyed all of your poems posted on the 1st day of the year, especially the 'Christmas......', 'Farmyard Antics', My Postman' and this one.

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