Where are the ribbons I tie my hair with?
Where is my lipstick? Where are my hose -
The sheer ones hoarded these weeks to wear with
In spring when maple buds are red,
We turn the clock an hour ahead;
Which means, each April that arrives,
We lose an hour out of our lives.
his paper propped against the electric toaster
(nicely adjusted to his morning use),
Daniel at breakfast studies world disaster
She said, If tomorrow my world were torn in two,
Blacked out, dissolved, I think I would remember
(As if transfixed in unsurrendering amber)
I wish I owned a Dior dress
Made to my order out of satin.
I wish I weighed a little less
And could read Latin.
The other day I chanced to meet
An angry man upon the street —
A man of wrath, a man of war,
A man who truculently bore
The first thing to remember about fathers is, they're men.
A girl has to keep it in mind.
Intimations of Mortality
on being told by the dentist that this will be over soon
Summer, adieu
Adieu gregarious season.
Goodbye, 'revoir, farewell.
Now day comes late; now chillier blows the breeze on