080.End Of Darkness Poem by rajagopal haran

080.End Of Darkness

Rating: 5.0

Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum; they absorb all such frequencies of light.

Black is described as an 'achromatic', or hueless, color.

Dear Readers

While traveling in train today, I happened to listen to a telephonic conversation; the male passenger was talking to a far away relative, almost shouting; it’s about his marriage; his mother has just seen one girl called Kavita in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu and rejected her; reason told was that the girl was black.

The way the man explained to his another relative subsequently made my stomach stir; immediately I started this poem and presenting now

Request: please do not reject black; it could happen to you also

Black was my protection
In the teen of my youth
Enveloping me in darkness
Protecting against flattery
Keeping off many suitors!

Shield of younger years
Wearing off during the cycle,
Turns into parasite
Asking for my blood!

Not my preference
Not my liking either
Is Black miserable?

Lurching in the darkness
I find great stars
Those pass on their little light!
But searches for my little star
End up in the black hole,
The point of no return
That swallows my light also!

World will believe anything on earth
If things are declared,
In black and white!
I wonder till I faint
That how white alone can deliver
Messages of black
Unwritten on the white?

In birds there is black
And elephants I see black
Aren’t they living a colorful life?
Oh yes, the steam engine
Emanating black smoke in the air
is extinct on earth
Where shall I hide myself?

In the horizon on the sky
Will I see a rainbow?
To shower me with love
And love alone!

Hey my great love
King of my life!
I will wash thy feet
With the tears of my love!
And will consecrate your soul
With flowers of my affection!
Will seat you on the lonely chair
Reserved for my solo lover,
Inside the lotus of my heart!
Will breathe you with
The fresh air of my bosom!
Will feed you with
The nectar of my lips!
Will close your eyes
With my brimming breasts!
Will make you sleep
With lullaby of my love songs!
I beg that love,
Please don’t deny that gift
because I am black by chance!

Will speak the language
Of blissful silence
to connect with your soul

Lines are also drawing
In the hands of an artist
Will I not become a woman in full
When your hands touch me
With that brain washing hiss? !

If there is heat
I can take shelter
Avoiding that Sun-stroke
Where can I take refuge? ,
if black-colour stroke occurs
Arrayed by a son!
I never asked my father,
And neither my mother,
To make me black
Can’t you see my blood? ,
Oozing from my heart!
It is also red irrespective of my black
It is laden with the pain of rejection
And pangs of unrequited love!

Accept me please
I have no place to go
And no soul to plead!


rajagopal haran

rajagopal haran

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