#256 Amaliemaren Poem by Jimmie Arrington

#256 Amaliemaren

Her laugh is like a melody,
A composition to my ears,
A soft, yet vibrant symphony
Which casts away my fears.

Her smile is quite a miracle,
It cures my dreary heart.
Like the most playful tickle,
I can’t help the grin I start.

Her voice is pure and innocent,
I could hear it all the day.
The sound is the perfect present
I would never give away.

Her lips are sweet like grapes,
Yet soft as two plush pillows.
Through them her mind escapes,
And into my soul it goes.

Her eyes are like two stars glowing,
They twinkle and they shine;
Yet it’s not just a nightly showing,
Still in daylight they’re divine.

Her hands are like bright angels,
Comforting with a single touch.
Even now my heartbeat excels
At just the thought of such.

Her sorrows are like tragedies,
Causing my eyes to swell.
And rushing rivers become deep seas
‘Til she’s once again made well.

Her happiness is imperative,
Just as lungs filled with air.
Without her joy, I couldn’t live,
I wouldn’t try nor dare.

Her heart’s like a precious treasure,
But can’t just be taken, you see.
It must be given at her pleasure
And I pray one day she gives it to me.

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