2nd Semester Exams Poem by Adebayo Smartfingers

2nd Semester Exams

Rating: 4.0

The D-Day is here, a time to EXAMINe our AcTIONS;
Heads sunk in sheets, eyes scanned through mind-throbbing questions
The hall was as silent as a graveyard
The silence was so intense that even a deaf person can hear heartbeats
Profession-betrothed invigilators kept eagle's eyes; their discipline fads
Some intelligent pens were busy running on white sheets
While some unfortunate ones melodiously tapped desks incessantly

The questions were bulky, too much for the brains to bear
Time's up! Pens up! yelled a harsh feminine voice from the hall's rear
Hysteria took charge as students rushed forward to get their script submitted
Lips lamented that the fingers would have
done better if only the hasty clock had permitted.

Dejectedly and abashed walked out some lot
With a deep sense of fulfillment stepped out some sort
After the exams is the after party, the DJ asked: 'Are you ready to dig it'?
And before you can say Jack, every guy & chick
threw caution into the wind and boogied
With weird steps, excited feet stormed the dance floor;
bodies gyrated in a stress rid bid
Champagne pops-up which ensued blended
an awe-inspiring 9ja hip-hop
Dudes & blondes danced like there is a gift for a winner; a trophy or cup!
Whether exam sucks or not, Naccos still rocks!

2nd semester, First year exams

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