#304 One Word Poem by Jimmie Arrington

#304 One Word

It was a Sunday afternoon,
I thought a brief walk would do.
I’d rather walk beneath the moon,
Instead I had skies of blue.

I drove to a quiet garden,
A haven within the city.
The trees were much browner back then
And the flowers weren’t as pretty.

With my hands tucked in my pockets,
I strolled about the still grounds.
My thoughts soared higher than rockets
And louder than basset hounds.

I pondered life, death’s slow sowing
And all that lies in between.
I wondered where it is I’m going
And where on earth I’ve been.

I thought of love, those memories,
Those lies I used to believe.
I replayed how she walked out with ease,
Perhaps I am still naïve.

Once my lost mind was all worn out,
I opted to end my stroll.
With more fear and even more doubt,
I fell deeper inside the hole.

Nearing the exit, I saw just ahead,
A young girl with golden hair.
I tried to look away but instead
I just continued to stare.

Her countenance was wonderful
As she stepped with swinging hips.
Her bright blues eyes were beautiful
As a simple “hi” left her lips.

One word opened a bolted door
And life’s pains fluttered away.
The sky was bluer than before
And stayed the rest of the day.

Jimmie Arrington

Jimmie Arrington

Phoenix, Arizona
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