32. I Never Reach You Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

32. I Never Reach You

Rating: 5.0

The wheel of time ceaselessly revolves
And I weather away like winter leaves
To rise again like phoenix some day;
No cynosure here or burning fire
To make me constant in pursuit,
Except the footprints you left far back.

Though you left lasting imprints
On the loose sand bed of the fleeting time,
You transcend time, transcend weathering
And deeply embedded within my self,
And light hopes, zeal and joy of life.

I yearn, seek and grope for you
In the dreary chill of the darkness outside;
I scale horizons and search the stars
In the hope of finding you someday
In the far nooks of the distant time;
Though you lurk within, I never reach you,
Never feel the joy of having in me.

Impregnable walls of time and space
Stand ‘tween us and keep us apart;
I can’t be I nor you, ever you
Without each reaching the other;
How long this unsteady desperate state,
How long we wait for the time of the tryst
That brings us close never again to part?

Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 10 March 2010

Indeed your poetic affect will ‘cynosure’ you … weather off … is just wreathing in … Excellent emotive poem ... thro’ and thro’ vibe ...oscillating… Ms. Nivedita UK PS 10

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