69. Fragrance Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

69. Fragrance

She is always there like fragrance in flowers,
Like fulsome lush juice of ripe sweet fruits,
Like wisdom in words of great holy sages,
Like brightness that sits in the womb of light,
Like truth that speaks through enlightenment.

She surfaces like full moon through clouds
In long intervals, in all her full dazzle,
Like inspirations through tired broken souls,
Like youthful charms hidden in dirty torn rags,
Like filial loves to a dissolute son.

She sits in marrows deep ‘neath bones,
She flows in veins with streams of blood,
She sleeps within four walls of my self,
She kicks in heart and charms my soul
And expresses to me through fusion of thoughts.

I seek her advice while caught in muddles,
I seek her guidance to come out of riddles,
I look to her warmth while world cools with chill,
I evoke her love to fill heart with tender hopes
And call her for play while loneliness hurts soul.

Stars may dropp or the earth catches fire;
But, she for one always keeps her promise,
She heeds my calls and always at my beck
With magic wand in hand to soothe ruffled self,
Whereon I lay my hopes to fall on in times of gloom.

No infrared vision traces her subtle form,
No intense laser beams can ever reach her place,
No x-ray spawning eyes pierce to detect her;
For, she sits somewhere where, none of them ever reach;
Only I can feel her, see and reach her sometimes.

She is well within me and far outside too,
Like sensations that live inside and outside the mind,
Like sunshine that blaze inside and outside the Sun,
Like deity that sits inside and outside the sanctum sanctorum,
Like beauty that breathes within and outside truth.

While I dig inside, she smiles from outside;
While I spread outside, she giggles from inside;
While I sit in quietude in sad lonely contemplations,
She surfaces from within and rises from outside
And brings solace back by love and kind entreaties.

She keeps on my side in all pains and pleasures,
In sunshine of days and glooms of nights,
In chills of winters, in heat-waves of summers,
In innocence of childhood, in ripeness of old age,
In joys of births and sorrows of deaths.

We are one, though distinct as two,
We are two means for the same single end;
With distinct selves, in single heart and mind,
With distinct lives, in single goal and soul,
We remain distinct, for we love each other’s distinct being.

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