44. Love Birds Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

44. Love Birds

They brought her there with hands tied,
Wrapped in coarse, torn old sacks
And dumped in front of his shocked eyes;
She was calm and irresistible in charm,
Gentle, sweet, solicitous and kind;
She knew her love, who loved her most,
She loved to be there, where she was brought;
No sack or silk shakes his trust in her;
He raised his head, embraced in eyes
And laid his warmth on her sweet self.

With a bowl of black juice, held in hand,
They danced around her with savage pleasure;
Hands outstretched to disgrace her face
With muddy black juice to dim her charm,
To blunt her spell on his love-filled soul;
They mocked and laughed and pounced on her,
Called her names, poured several shames,
Ugly crow, swarthy lad, her they called;
Hapless, she looked her love with grief,
Her eyes begged him for strength and warmth.

He bore no more his darling's sad state,
He begged them all to spare foul calls;
She is stately queen on the most valiant throne,
On daily rounds in disguise, he said;
He sang her charm that no sack could hold,
He kissed her sweet grace with eager eyes;
No more black juice may cloud the sweet face,
Spare her the travails of a wash, he prayed;
His love-laden plea and bright intense eyes
Cut short those hands from the envious task.

Gratitude shone in her gentle sweet eyes,
Her heart spoke in eyes, her love and care;
She dwelled in his soul and he, in her,
Both dissolved to one in silence in distance;
Their eyes met, their hearts spoke
The common passion that held them in one;
Whatever am I, call me like him,
For, he is my goal, desire, she said;
He swelled in joy for what she said,
For, he too knew her, his life and goal.

They untied her, set to fly to love's world;
She fledged her wings and flew like wind
To love's warm nest in his eager heart;
The two hugged each and danced in joy,
They necked each and looked each
While passions flew from heart to heart
Like long bright flames of divine light;
The birds on wings that reach each other,
Flew high, far, afar to unknown horizons
Where none fence them nor disturb their love.

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