46. Along The Vennels Of Yore Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

46. Along The Vennels Of Yore

When I walk along the vennels of yore,
Strange tides rise and stop me somewhere;
Cool breeze soothes, warmth gladdens heart,
Sunshine awakens soul, fragrance fills air,
Divine sweet music hangs all over there;
I open eyes with the shock of numb joy:
What a sight to see, what a world to be,
Ripples of pleasure in maddening riot,
I see in air, on ground, in clouds,
Knocking my heart to open up to the past.

I see her in the centre with the love's halo around
That lits her face with soft golden light;
Shy is she like fragrant, pretty, white flower,
Yet, firm and fast in love's sweet glamour;
What dance in her eyes, sparkles of thousand stars
Those speak thousand truths of her heart and soul,
What depth in those wells, how intense those flames,
Her eyes stir passions, swell-up innate feelings;
Frames of colored portraits unreel from the past
Like dreams surface from the seat of a broken soul.

She caught me in her eyes, invited to her heart,
I followed her within, to love's Warm Ocean;
I had several charms, held firm in my hands,
I offered her to pick, whatever she thought fit;
She was so shy, you know, she ran, I followed,
I pleaded, I offered, I knew, she desired all;
Yet, she looked aside, pulled out from there afar,
With eager eyes and heart, laid on my open hand,
Like hapless gentle cow, while pulled away from her calf;
She was torn in her love, I could not figure how.

Why this run from me, do I scare you love?
You accept not little charms of my innocent gifts,
I sadly said in pain, to her love-torn self;
She held her back in shock; to me she turned back,
With tears filled eyes, she ran and held my hands;
Oh, speak not thus, darling, you are all for me,
Nothing I care, none scare ever me from you,
Look envious eyes around, to pounce on our love,
Follow us like shadows, wherever we go or hide,
I fear them for our love, bitterly me, she said.

She opened her soft palm, held in stretched hand,
Give me whatever you have, I receive all, she said;
Overjoyed like a child, I gave her all I had
And heaped all my charms on her solicitous palm;
She accepted all of them, like a desert, water drops,
In glittering silent eyes, drenched in love's sacred water;
She inhausted all of them, deep and deep to her soul
In joyous indulgence, dancing all over her face;
She wanted more from me, but I gave her all of me;
She shut her steady eyes and hid me deep inside.

Envies raised heads like snake's thousand hoods
And stood between us with poison spewing eyes;
Give us too your charms, we too need, they said;
She held me close to heart with fear of losing all,
And laid her hapless eyes on me to find my resolve;
I coolly distanced them, you had enough, I said,
Take what reliquiae I have, you deserve not more;
Her fear disappeared; she caught a gentle glow,
Her eyes in gratitude, shone like a thousand suns
And held me fast to her for all ages to come.

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