50. Parting Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

50. Parting

He opened his innermost door
And she walked straight inside
To the backyard of his inviting heart;
There she sat in front of the fireside
And cooked a broth for his languorous heart
While dwelled in love's heat and light
With pleasantly trickling dulcet warmth;
She cast her lustrous eyes sideways
From where he enjoyed her sedulous swink;
Those eyes met, love roared like sea.

Yet, silent she was, indolent and dull
With tears welling to the brim of eyes
Like layers of cloud impale sunshine;
She turned to him and met him in eyes
With all the gloom, the world can speak of,
Spoke her torments through two dull eyes;
He caught her gloom, his heart came apart,
He brought his heart to dissolve in the grief
That her eyes spoke and embraced her
And sought what made her soul so sad.

A coconut sapling, fate planted for her
On the foot of her home was dry and lifeless;
She found deep love and watered that plant,
She carried it in heart, cared day and night.
Tendered with passion, gave all her love
Till a bright dawn saw it bore life's signs;
It thrilled her and she swelled with joy
When the sapling bore tempting flowers and fruits;
Her joy knew no bounds, her life bloomed too,
She found everywhere color, dance and fragrance.

She had to part from there, alas, the plant bore fruits,
She felt heart broke to leave her dear plant
In uncared rude hands of the savage bad world;
Had I bore him in heart, she insufferably moaned,
To give him away, so that I live forever alone?
These eyes be lost before I part to breach my heart,
I myself leave this world before it occur all,
She wailed in sad tone, covered her sad face,
Imbrued with tears that trickled from red eyes.

He knew her deep pain, for it was his own too,
He knew how hard to wrench apart a true love
That bound so close two souls to entrenchant sweet blend,
That fraught innocent hearts with eager care for each;
The two hearts grieved for their accurst bad fate
That opened up in their front like the hell's horrid gulf
With the loves on either side by the fate's cruel joke;
They stared each across the time's widening gulf
And stared each other like staring a distant star
Till both grew indistinct and dissolved in distant space.

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