63. Pristine World Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

63. Pristine World

Layers 'neath layers, far deep inside,
Breathes an old pristine world
In glassy glow of colorless splendor;
Cool and calm like dusk's twilight,
It breaks wild into passion's riots
In coloury specters when you delve into it.

Far deep in years' myriad foliage,
Passions metamorphosed to pure diamonds
Of unmatched sparkles of love and warmth;
Old memories rise through the pores of years
And shock the numb soul with the age-old warmth
And stream out in tears for the long lost age.

The gracious queen of that pristine world
Yet sits in the center of a golden halo
In aureate splendor with a wand in hand
That conjured that word of yore with love;
Now, still like god in time's retreat, is she,
Still embalmed with love's incony fragrance.

You dig each layer and reach the world,
A magic land unfolds with splendid colours;
Wherever you look, there is passion,
Wherever you turn, there is fragrance,
Shades and hues of infinite joy
Play a riot in the heaven on the earth.

It is a great world of divine joy
Where divinity spreads in fluid opulence,
Where love cries in unbound joy,
Where love makes world a hive of beauty;
It is here, gods desire to come,
It is here, gods desire to live.

It is a love's sacred temple
Where gods come to worship the queen
Who created the world with her pristine charm
And lord over it all over since then;
The hymns of love and dim temple light
Come across to reach only graceful souls.

No dusts and smokes of forlorn years
Ever ravage her pristine form,
No heats and cracks of swink't life
Ever disturb her unworldly love,
She lives and lives forever and ever
In the old world, in all new worlds too.

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