don'T teLl me You LoVE me,
If your Just KiddIng Me,
For ThaT Lie,
It Can BriNg a New PaiN.
Don'T teLL mE yOu Love Me,
If You JUst WAnt To HuRt ME,
fOr thAt StUpiD ProMiSed,
Can RuiN My LifE.
DoN'T TeLL Me You LovE Me,
If You reaLLy Love HEr,
Fore ThAt Word you SaiD,
Can BrEAk My HeaRt.
Don't TeLL ME you Love Me,
If You Mend To leaVe Me,
ThAt WouLd Be So pAiNfuLL,
buT That wOulD BE BeTtEr.
Fear to Be lOved,
feAR toLove EvEr AgAiN,
iT CaN cAuse My stupiD HeArt,
To Be BrOken.
ThiNk Of aLL The pAiN,
thaT i woUld fEeL,
pleAse Don'T TeLL mE You love me,
UnLeSs You truLy Do.
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I would like to translate this poem