GoD crEAtEd HeAveN,
GoD CrEAted EarTH,
GoD cReatEd LighTnEss,
GoD CrEAted DArkNess.
GoD MADe LioNs,
God MADe IrOns,
God HAd No MiSTAkeS.
GoD IS miRacLe,
God MaDE ObStaCLe,
God CrEATed Adam,
God CreaTed Eve.
GoD GAve Us Heart,
So We CAn liVe,
god Gave us EyEs,
So WE CAn sEe.
God GAve US HANds,
So We Can HoLd,
God Gave us StrEngtH,
So We CAn Work.
god IS the FAther,
God IS THE sOn,
God cAn See whAt WE CAn'T,
GoD HAs EvEryThInG.
God GiVes Us SoUls,
God PuNIshEs tOo,
GoD GiVe Us Life,
God CAn TAke Our LiFe.
God IS GOd,
GoD iS A cHrIstIan,
God IS a jew.
And TherE's ONLy One God.
The way the poem is typed out reveals serious personality disorder…
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is excellent I enjoy reading this and I dont have words to tell you how great is it. Sase