♥ ♥ .Reason.♥ ♥ Poem by jade MOnteScLArOS

♥ ♥ .Reason.♥ ♥

♥ .. aT The beGiNniNG..♥

hE CreaTed EartH,

wHen He saw a,

pLAce wheRE TheRe's,

No FoRm aNd ShaPe.

He gave Us LighT,

Whne HE Saw darkNeSs,

With His SimPlE WoRd,

'LeT TheRE Be liGHt'.

hE SepaRAted,

LiGhtNeSS FrOm DarkNeSS,

That's BecauSE,

He ReaLLy LoVes Us.

Hea CaLLEd The DarkneSs,

as niGht and,

The Day,

as To LiGHtnEss.

hE sLiTed tHe,

univeRSe Into twO,

WhiCh E caLLed,

The HeavEn And EArtH.

he Was hAppY,

wHen HE Saw The ViEW,

He PlaNted EarTH,

he Saw EvEryThiNg.

He CreATed,

aLL kiNds oF,

LiVing ThinGS,

we aLL saw noW.

hE cReaTed,

WhaLEs, fiSheS,

birDs, LioNs,

aNd OthErs.

tHen He CreAted,


as He CallEd,

adam aND Eve.

he CrEatEd boTh,

Of TheM to,

ManaGe aLL The thiNgs,

he Was CreATed.

he CreAtEd aLL,

This ThiNgs withiN,

6 daYs and On,

The SeVenth DAy was his Rest day.

mOSt Of All.

don't ReaLLY thiNk,

thaT WiThOut Him,

we're ReaLLy NoThiNg.

We CanT bReaTh,

WiThOut his aiR.

we Can'T SpeAk,

withOut his VoiCE.

we Can'T see,

WithOut hiS EyES,

we caN't FeeL,

wIthOut hIs LOve.

bUT SAd To Say,

maNY PeOPle ReMembeR,

hi In tiMes of thiEr,

heLpLessnEss And RestlessnEss.

Obinna Eruchie 04 June 2009

to reason in reality is to see the see the truth that leads to a positive life.

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jade MOnteScLArOS

jade MOnteScLArOS

CeBu CiTy, , But Now Im In MaNiLA
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