A 9/11 Tale With Heart Poem by Panagiota Romios

A 9/11 Tale With Heart

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A beautiful autumn day it was.
The gold and red sneaking in
the Central Park leaves as it
always does.
I wanted to stay home with my
wife and son.
But realized there were bills to
be paid and then some.
So after my shower, breakfast
and things,
I just sipped on my cup of Joe,
admiring our gold wedding rings.
Our son Teddy was at our feet.
I thanked God for us three, at our
cozy family meet.
Alas, too soon would I have to go.
I kissed Mary and Teddy and told
them, I loved them so!
Ah, the day was so perfect chiseled
by God's own making.
I sat on the lone bench to thank
Him for His Glorious undertaking.
I grabbed by attaché case and off
I went.
To work in the greatTwin Towers,
where I know God wanted me sent.

Everyone so happy that day, some
even spoke of Christmas?
Though it was months away.
I was grateful to God for all of my
Especially my beautiful son and
stunning wife.

Of course you all know what
happened next.
Hell broke out and we all did our
best, to return safely to our earthly

It was not to be for me!
The smoke thick and heavy overcame
me so rapidly.
I clutched my cross and begged
God to take me home.

I awoke, and the air was beautiful
and clear.
You know I already missed my son
and wife so very dear,
But I was being beckoned to gates
of gold.
And I knew the Bible well, I knew
what it foretold.

And yes, the Gates of Heaven swung
open widely for me.
Now the real journey of my life,
was just beginning for me.
To all those lost on 9/11, when evil
people did something evil to hurt so

Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: america,faith,family,loss
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