A Ballet Of A Thought Poem by La Janine Garrett

A Ballet Of A Thought

Rating: 5.0

A faceless man is what greets me
A blind eye, outward turn to the blazing sky
Lost seeds, that had taken a long joinery
Riding the western winds
Forgotten ways, forced way, feared ways
Is what lies ahead
A ballet that of light, as it parades
Shadows, its beauty over cast by the hinder smile
That smile that comes to me in the twilight
Of dawn, chills I to the soul
That warm rays of first light
Wild winds ripping at the young, pulling
Far to hard, for the youths of this world
Things better left forgotten, burns throw
Thick walls, as light races across the
Lands, at those very shadows that run to
Hid for the light to turn tide
A callous hand is what caresses me
Binding as thought as the mind that light
Those winds can turn, they can, you watch
The sky for those winds, forced ways
Can be made into so much more
Waves came, they came as the winds
They came at dawn; they came as life harden,
They came as our eyes drifted to sleep
They came

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La Janine Garrett

La Janine Garrett

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