A Billionaire Works Minimum Of 1000 Hours Per Day Poem by Olusegun Sotade

A Billionaire Works Minimum Of 1000 Hours Per Day

Billionaires don't bounce but carom
to work 1000 hours per day in shalom.
It is certain that 24 hours make a day.
How then can one person work 1000 hours per day?

Mighty is the heart nurtured in synergy,
for its strength resides in multiple energy.
Applique transforms to be a broad cloth.
Holophrastic formation is heavily expressed in one shot.

Profit maximization is the source
of marginal work-hour's sauce
at the point where marginal revenue
is equal to marginal cost for upward avenue.

If MR = 320 - 6q in function,
and MC = 1.6q as additional expense on production.
Therefore 320 - 6q = 1.6q triggers action
for 320 = 7.6q; and q = 42.1 to employ for target proposition.

So if an individual is liable to work 8 hours
in a day, and output of 42.1 per day requires 130 worker's powers,
then 8 x 130 = 1040 is the total working hours per day
to meet up with the target of the maximized gain.

Perhaps the difference between the rich and the poor
is that the rich make money work for them,
while the poor works for money to secure.
So, the billionaire's 1000 working hours are the team synergy of his firm.

Thursday, December 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: money,business
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Olusegun Sotade

Olusegun Sotade

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