A Burglar Sins Poem by Julian Takali

A Burglar Sins

(Scene 1)
Atop the green hills on Peppercot Valley
Snug tight in their gilded night gowns
Was the family of the Golds
They floated about, noses high, gaudy and poised
None gaunt, all very grim and stout

A lonely and chilly night swept by
They hugged tight and robed twice
I was on my way
Galloping with the strides of 3 men
Sheltered from the naughtiest of storms
Maybe they were
But, the Thief which was I
Shadowed a tempest so grave
Their most haunting nightmares
Trembled at my name

A pebble on the east window
Then on the west
My hens were alarmed, gawking at every step
I struck!
The North was vacant and there was their chest
Bled from it mounds of virgin coins
Their shrieks echoed

(Scene 2)
Rummaging the foamy cream of their treasures
My hands orgasmed
Aha, Golds! Your cottage conquers no more!
I was queer and masturbated upon the riches
If I were to ever lose this view
At least the next owner would relish in my lush liquor
Slumber tackled me
And we snored.

Venturing for amulets and velvet suits in the market
I espied the angel of the Golds, Miss. Scarlett
She was engraved with prestige, pervaded intelligence
Her very being radiated eloquence
We charmingly bumped and encrusted coppers fell out
One by one, trickling downwards
Divinity bent over in front of me
But their vigil!
Oh you fool, Elisio! You forsaken fool!

(Scene 3)

The flower now resides with me
Mr. Gold craves my head upon his wall
The thief laughs upon a throne of nickel
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
I stole a families priceless stones
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
I stole their delicate goddess
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
She fell for my alluring glare
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
This money stays with I; not a penny will be shared

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
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