A Cone Or A Pyramid Poem by Hela Tekali

A Cone Or A Pyramid

Am I a cone, or an ancient pyramid
The grain of sand you always feed
You shape me the way you like
Am I your sacred dome, or your holy arch.
Sometimes I appear in Ancient Egypt
The hieroglyphs, its entombed script
Other times in the mythology of Eastern Asia
With spiritual Guru, or Lord Krishna.
Am I the Temple of Greece with
intricate symmetry and balance
Standing for a glorious history encrypted in peace
Archaic, classical, geometric, Hellenistic
A prototype for the Renaissance, its aesthetic.
Your mathematical shape designs me
Through Pythagorean symbolism and sacred geometry
I stand for numbers: one, two, three, and four
A rounded dervish knocking at your holy door.
Do I stand for the Roman Empire
That religious or mystical woman you choose to hire
With the Colosseum for my structural design
A Leonardo Da Vinci portrait masked for the divine.
The architecture of all civilizations is scripted in me
I take every shape and form of your anatomy
A pyramid, a square, a triangle, and sometimes a circle
My eye detects every hint of your miracle.
Am I a cone, or an ancient pyramid
A sphynx of wisdom free of human greed
Shape me in every mathematical formula
Through space, meteorology, or celestial astra.

Jenayah Hela Tekali

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: mythology,shape
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