A dog wags its tail
The tail does not
wag the dog.
My thought is my creation
I make my thought real
With all felicitation.
I'd still be a dog if I didn't wag my tail. But less of a dog.
A very good discourse on the dog. An excellent comparison on thoughts. Our mind and our body have to be in unison and compliment each other. I had to laugh just picturing the dog being spun around by its tail. I like this one.(smile)
this poem made me think long. this was a very interesting one. keep writing.
Like the phrase, “A dog wags its tail. The tail does not wag the dog.” Your poems are written to give such good advice.
really good but needs to be worked and that for telling be about the name of one of my poems needed to be changed add me as a friend on here
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I control my ego, thanks.