Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham Poems

How many of you can find a faithful friend?
That will stick close by you unto the very end
When trouble comes they will never forsake
Always ready to give more than they will take

I went to a house and walked up to the gate
A man came outside and his name was called Hate
He asked me a question would you like to come in?
I then thought for a moment hate is no kin

Watching all of the sweet smiles on a loved ones face
Running around the race track and keeping up the pace
Touching the dew drops glistening on the wet ground
Going out to dinner then stepping out on the town

If I could fly high in the air like the birds up above
Then seek out any person that doesn't know how to love
Looking down upon the earth and seeing all of its glory
Take to the sky like the morning dove and tell the all time story

He woke me up this morning
To see a brand new day
So grateful for His mercy
I then knelt down to pray

As I was walking through the woods on a warm Summer day
Then saw an Angel up ahead as I went along my way
My reaction to this Angel was not borne out of fear
I began to speak softly for I knew that she could hear

Live the life you love
Love the life you live
For it is very short
And can never be bought

As we go through this journey called life
We're thrown many curve balls along the way
We can either catch them or let them fall
You may run fast, slow or even not at all

You woke up this morning
To see the bright sunshine
You had food on your table
Was in your right mind

A tiny seed is sown with care into the fertile ground
Then a small tree pops out slowly from its earthly mound
With care it is nurtured by the life giving soil and air
The branches then began to reach as if to someone near

You were the kind of daddy that nurtured us to grow
We were taught early in life you reap just what you sow
Hard work you would always say never killed anyone
You rose early and toiled all day til the setting of the sun

May never get to see your face
Will love you ever just in case
Visits to PH as a big family
A Poet member we will always be

Love has cast a spell on me
Drowning in its deep blue sea
Mesmerized by a love so true
Fresh and sweet as the morning dew

Spreading of secrets all around town
Will not build up can only tear down
Striking of words with such heavy blows
When someone gets hit everybody knows

You went along with the unruly group just to be a part of the crowd
Then started walking toward the school and began to yell out loud
It was time to go to the classroom but you lingered out in the hall
The bell rang loud for the second time so you responded to its call

To show you care for someone is to lend a helping hand
A need to be concerned for every woman, child and man
Share whatever you can to help someone in need
Then you will be happier and a better person indeed

Cast all of your cares on Him
When troubles come your way
Lift up your eyes unto the hills
Then see a bright new day

When I awake in the morning and see the sunrise
My heart skips a beat as I begin to clear my eyes
My soul says what a mighty God I serve
To be in the land of the living and to feel every nerve

Time waits for no one like the flower that will soon fade away
Spend some moments with loved ones before the end of the day
Have a long talk with friends and chat about the good old times
Pick up a book and read to a child or sing some nursery rhymes

As the waves violently crashed against the white seashore
An invisible but quite ferocious wind still blows forever more
Its mighty power rises up and stretches like a rushing wonder
She held back her reckless visage then only seemed to ponder

Patricia Grantham Biography

I have been writing poetry for over twenty years now. This collection of poems hopefully will inspire, encourage or uplift someone in their daily walk with life and that you will have an enriching and rewarding experience after reading them. I have also written poetry locally for family and friends. A poem titled A Land So Fair, Home at Last, Journey Home and Heaven Sent was printed on obituaries. Another poem titled " My Quiet Corner" was posted in a local newspaper over fifteen years ago and was also selected to appear in a Mirrors of The Soul edition with the Modern Poetry Society in 1995. Numerous poems have also been recited at family reunions, other social gatherings and at worship services. Additional poems titled A Faithful Friend(twice selected) , If I Could Fly, and Simple Pleasures were chosen as Member Poem of the Day. A poem No Room For Hate(was also chosen as an International poem) . Another poem titled " Stay in School" was printed in a class reunion booklet. Philosophies in life are: Love of God, Fellowman and Preservation of Family. Hobbies are reading, listening to music, singing, writing lyrics for music, spending time and reciting poetry for family & friends and taking long walks. Special interests are: tutoring, mentoring, motivator, volunteering and by all means writing poetry and short essays. Many heartfelt thanks to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to read some of my works.)

The Best Poem Of Patricia Grantham

A Faithful Friend

How many of you can find a faithful friend?
That will stick close by you unto the very end
When trouble comes they will never forsake
Always ready to give more than they will take

A friend like that is so very hard to find
One you can count on to talk and unwind
Someone that's concerned about how you feel
Cares for you deeply with a love that's real

A friend when in need is a friend indeed
Show yourself friendly by sowing the seed
How sweet are the words spoken between friends
Just like a balm that heals or a needle that mends

A friend that sticks closer than any brother
Very trustworthy and not the same as another
You can count on them to answer when you call
There to help you when your back is to the wall

Copyright 2013

Patricia Grantham Comments

Neela Nath Das 11 April 2013

In Patricia's writing there's novelty of thought.Her choice of words, I mean diction and style are admirable.Very talented she is!

3 1 Reply

Patricia, your philosophical goals are very well reflected in your poems. They stand as good guide to all. Keep writing.

2 1 Reply
Chandra Thiagarajan 20 June 2013

Patricia Grantham is a real fine poet. Her poems are inspiring, the style is classic, with regular rhyme and rhythm. In many a poem we can see the flow of music which is appealing to the ear. The subjects she deals are of great variety and her poems reflect the genuine kindness she harbors as a person. I'm so happy to see her poems enrich English Literature. May God bless.

2 1 Reply
R.j. Wynn 08 July 2013

Patricia is so warm and fuzzy, full of great love and humility in Christ and a joy to read and comment on.

2 1 Reply
Louis Rams 30 July 2013

I have met many poets on many sites, and have had a lot of comments about my poetry and me, but to be honest I had yet to find a person who can touch my mind and soul with such depth as you have in your writings. we are very much alike in the sense that we can cover different subjects and yet stay focused on what we are feeling at the moment and being able to put it into rhyme and verse (which I find it harder than prose) I honor you and your depth of GOD, LOVE, AND FAITH. (thank you)

2 1 Reply
Robert J. Bartlett 10 April 2022

I've just read a handful of your well-written verses. I'm positively intrigued by your spiritual outlook. Reading your poetry is a most uplifting experience. Stay with it and whatever you do, don't abandon your ship! ! God bless you.

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Mary Donnelly 28 November 2015

I loved all your work! well done and God Bless!

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Allotey Abossey 04 June 2015

The world may not be able to recognize all great people, but whenever I get the opportunity to meet a great person, I keep them in my heart; Aunty Pat, you are in my heart. I love your poems not only because they reflect beautiful and attractive thoughts but there is a character in the poems as I read which I believe is the character of the poet who wrote them: love - purity - truth - beauty - admiration and uniqueness; these I see in your poems and I love them. I thank God for making me know you, I hope we meet in persons one day. God bless you.

2 0 Reply

Poet Grantham, I have added you to my list of great poets because your work is both creative and compelling and I will return again and again to be inspired and blessed!

3 0 Reply
Trong Phan 14 October 2014

I' m a new member. I know that you are a famous member. Thanks for your comment. Nice to meet you, Patricia!

2 0 Reply

Patricia Grantham Quotes

Just like a long life. When you love a tall tree. The higher you will climb.

Don't let time pass you by. Run a little faster and catch up.

The roads of life leads to many destinations. Stop, look and listen!

Eternal bliss is walking on the earth in heavenly places. Tread freely.

Freedom is not always free. Can come at a very high cost. It's worth its weight in gold.

The success of an individual doesn't always lies in what he or she does. It's the motive behind it.

As numerous as the sand is on the seashore. So are the many aspects of our lives.

A true friend is only found in the face of adversity. Who can find a faithful friend?

An individuals true joy in life is determined by how he treats his fellowman.

A strong and hearty handshake is just like a good meal. It strengthens the body and refreshes the soul.

A stranger that is faraway can be more supportive than a brother that lives nearby.

Life is not always a bed of roses. Still it should be planted in good soil.

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