A Double Sonnet Between Beloveds Poem by Lorenzo Lynn

A Double Sonnet Between Beloveds

Sonnet (She to Him)

Intrigued by words, I was once by the shore
Where waves and wishes washed upon the reef
beneath bright, brazen rays our sunset bore
to witness us as one, for moments, brief.

One shadow cast itself on moonlit ground
while silently we hard our words unsaid,
we two as one, one breath, one heart, unsound,
thy rhythmic words still music in my head.

I, overwhelmed, lie weakly by thy side,
unsure to give or take what lies within,
but certain that what love I have denied
hath been as great as ever mine had been.

“Why wait, ” I asked, “to risk such enmity
thou loving me, and I – not loving thee! ”

Sonnet (His Answer to her)

By moonlit night, near rocky shores, we met,
unseen before, yet dauntlessly, no fear
of strangers in the night, the time we set
to watch the sunrise aura growing near.

But Eros aimed his arrows, hit the spot,
my heart instilled with passion’s rampant flow
of fluids bursting forth from both, too hot,
too soon, ablaze with bright Aurora’s glow.

Then Dawn arose full-blossomed her array
of purple, pinks, and golden streaks asea
embracing us with blushing, flushed display,
a thou and I becoming loving we.

Though I may love without thy self in turn,
so embers glow when fires cease to burn.

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Lorenzo Lynn

Lorenzo Lynn

New York
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