A Drink Poem by Randy McClave

A Drink

If it were not for a beer
Many of us would not be here,
We would still be a gleam in our father's eye
If it wasn't for that whiskey or rye.
Then there would be that one less tear.

Many of us, have not the nerve
Like the Romeos that we've seen and did observe,
With the lies and stories for us to bestow
Or even the common sense to even say no.
In the end, drinkers get what they deserve.

Alcohol makes many just stupid and naive
And then any story they will be gullible enough to believe,
Even when it comes to unprotected adult fun
While carrying around a loaded gun.
More than a tangled web we will then weave.

Because of beer many of us were born
And without it, we'd remember who we'd wake up with in the morn,
Then many people we would not of cared about or knew
If it wasn't because of that sudsy brew.
So, many drink and drink until their worries are through.

Some people just feel disowned
Especially when their inspiration and dreams are postponed
So, when many can't rationalize or think;
They just pour themselves another alcoholic drink.
Then they don't quit, until they are stoned

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: alcohol,drink
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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