A Generic God Poem by Bob Gotti

A Generic God

“Oh my God”, an often heard phrase, empty words uttered these days,
This not the God The Bible speaks of, The One, Who reigns up above,
As He said, “Don’t speak my Name”, hastily spoken, just taken in vain,
He is The Lord, many do not fear, speaking vainly, all over this sphere.

Most people who travel this sod, believe in something, they call a god,
This god isn’t The God of the Bible, One to whom we all shall be liable,
A generic god, many men herald, not God above, but one of the world,
Gods that have been created by men; gods, who Christ shall condemn.

The generic god’s held up by many, varying views, by which are plenty,
Embraced by people of all kinds, deep thinkers and even small minds,
So whatever men want to believe, this is the god, that they can receive,
And no changes are required of them, as their god will never condemn.

They may or not believe in Heaven, a belief tainted with spiritual leaven,
Changing instead, God’s Eternal Truth, so they are heading for reproof,
Also, as far as most men can tell, many of those do not believe in Hell,
As one’s death is final in their eyes, seeing no life at all, after man dies.

Now there’s men who once believed, but by Satan have been deceived,
Teaching all men shall find a place, in Heaven, apart from God’s Grace,
This is all part of man’s falling away, to a generic god we hear of today,
Falling from God’s Solid Ground, to another god, that will not be found.

(Copyright ©09/2011)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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