A Gift For Your Innocence Poem by Genevieve Stone

A Gift For Your Innocence

I jolt up in bed and shout my call
Someone's coming down the hall
mother gets up, pan in hand
quick to make some sort of stand
I listen intently for some sort of sound
and to soon there's a gun shot and a thud on the ground
with such speed I jolt through the door
My heart rips as I scream, mother's lying dead on the floor
The robber heard and came upstairs
took my roughly by my hair
shoved me in the bedroom no way out
desperate and scared I start to shout
The robber laughs, Its just you and I
and Like some dam wall opening I start to cry
he takes off his pants and I find myself cornered
'don't worry child, you should be honourd'
panic stricken I start to fight
kicking and pushing with all my might
but it's no use, he is to strong
losing all hope I cry out my song
please oh please I'm way to young
I pleaded and pleaded my song now sung
He stopped for a moment, I looked up to see
but all I found was cruelty and malice, no mercy
He ripped off my shirt and threw me on the bed
tied me up, no virgin would be wed
He tore off my pants and quickly began
I cried out in pain, What a sick man
I cried and I cried and asked him to stop
my plans of innocence now just a flop
When he finished he ran away
left me there broken and without a say
2 months later I still lay traumatised
sick and needing to be revitalised
I've gotten so thin, I feel so alone
Sores down my throat, pain in my bones
I went to the doctor to get a check up
injections for blood tests lying in a cup
The doctor comes back, a grave look on his face
sadness and worry now replace his grace
what is it i ask as I wait and i wait
he apologises and tells me I'm sorry its too late
you will see your mother soon, you don't have long to live
and all because that man that raped you, was HIV positive

Karel Stone 17 March 2018

WOW, I did not know that you are such a poet sweetheart. Very well done hey

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Genevieve Stone

Genevieve Stone

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