A Lesson Learned Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

A Lesson Learned

A lesson learnt

The ship I saw in the bay and thought a princess of the seas
came back this afternoon when the sky was murky, she was sad
the cook was fired, and the crew was sorrowful.
Nothing wrong with the new cook, but as good as the old one
The cook had read too much Hemingway and wanted to be like him.
He took to calling the ship "el Pilar" and drinking whisky in the morning.
Forgetting to put yeast in the dough when baking bread.
It was all too much the cook had to go or stop reading Hemingway.
He did neither.
When he sobered up trying to find a new job, he regretted
his fondness of the famous writer.
His predicament is a solitary lesson for every reader, do not believe
what the author writes he is just telling a story.

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