A Look In The Mirror Poem by Joseph Narusiewicz

A Look In The Mirror

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Words modulate like fleeing wind
Her body is a pagan temple
Time bargains with the precipice
Ebullient piano of Chopin
Sorrow is only soothed with hope
Her pagan eyes only offer pleasure

Eastern Europe calls the eagles
Jerusalem is my sacred city
The lamp of my father remains

Fields as green as Eden
Stalin will never rest
Ukrainian sunflowers grow
Prague and Kafka grow
Dostoevsky is a candle
Warsaw shines

These roots cannot die or I die
Self discovery is a spiritual road
Chameleons die lonely
Emerge with your own color
Shed all false identity
Quit hiding behind flags
Quit hiding behind banners
Quit hiding behind political masks

Tears, nervous breakdowns
Psychosomatic illnesses
Self pity
A sense of dread
Existential excuses
Some kill themselves
Some bury themselves in alcohol
Some use sex
Some make money and hide
Some wear religious robes
Some wear masks of artists and poets
They think they leave a legacy
They try too make themselves important
Some join beauty contests
Some show their intellect and puff up
Some show their sores
Only the broken can be made whole
Pride collects trophies
Wants the last word
Pretends to be teachers
All an act, a game, a charade
The first shall be last

Only who we love is important
The least you do onto these
Let your right hand not see what the left does
When you pray don't pray as the hypocrites
When you fast don't fast as the hypocrites
They have recieved their reward
They love to be seen
When you pray enter into your closet

The image of God defiled
Look deep in the mirror

Joseph Narusiewicz

Joseph Narusiewicz

So St Paul, Minnesota
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