A Note To God Poem by Fab Ricciardi

A Note To God

Dear God,
I have not given up,
But I am resigned to the fact that everything will happen just as you wish.
Feel free to take my eyes, my voice, my limbs, my heart and my soul if you wish,
I will gladly offer to you, My Lord, all you ask for and so much more.
Guide me as your soldier through this battle of life and love
Teach me to accept the injustice offered by others and right their wrongs
Show me the proper way to handle the weapons needed to fight your fight
Lead me and let me guide your soldiers to the path of righteousness
Slaying demons and converting non-believers to see that your way is the only way.
Together with forces united, the world will not suffer as much anymore
For united, we are strong, in love, in heart, in hope, so that wars will no longer exist,
Famine will end; suffering, pain and destruction will no longer be words we are accustomed to.
Please God, forgive me for my past sins, I am yours, in body and spirit.
I am your warrior, your follower, your child and I tremble awaiting your touch/
I have not given up,
But I give you all my worldly possessions and everything I have ever taken from this earth
Which was never meant to be mine and mine alone, I just want to do your will
And I accept all that is to become of me, giving up all of me to be yours and yours alone!
With love, your follower, your warrior, your disciple, your son,

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