A Pillow Orphan Poem by Paramananda Mahanta

A Pillow Orphan

A Pillow Orphan; A being of suffering.

I wonder her talking eyes,
Drains Nile, the tributary of her life.
In the desert of apathy,
Once the banks of her dreams.

Her tears unbroken for its unsailing depth,
She talks much to her own breaths.
For someone still inside her memory ply,
It defy her faith to redeem for joy.

She silently talks to the thousands passing hearts,
For a human shed as her loneliness cries.
For another cradle on the floor of love, ,
Where life and peace sleep together.
You are stalked with your myopic tear,
Can't see farther my blessed dear.
Your heart is gold will make you mend,
A home of God as He makes all tend.

Pain is persuasive when mind is cool,
Nudge you back door if you are fool.
Tears is pearl in the garden of love,
Humanity winks and true hearts mould.

Come with me o dear don't bite your core,
Your life will improve in self serving more.
Infidel parents are dead don't dine then more,
As pus stay in the wound may swell like shore.

Copyright 2021
Paramananda Mahanta
All rights reserved

Chinedu Dike 06 November 2021

An insightful rendition nicely embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched...

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