A Small Love Story... Poem by SAQUIB AQEEL

A Small Love Story...

There was a girl or a boy in my city. They are so good and they loves to each others so much. But they always disturbed in his minnor problems like as, family, friends, relation with others and they have got many reason to imprecate to each others. But there's heart is fulfil of love trangle and angle because the langague is used in love company and loves life etc.

So, lets start the story, behind the actual fame the story is that…
Actually they are talking about topic of love so we'll make it perfect.

One day both are imprecate to each other as the corner of the city street for some minnor problems or reasons, but I think they imprecate to each other almost 1 to 2 hours but in last they go back in happily mode because it's a love and it's a magic of love mind it guys.

The girl said: The life takes us too many places, but loves takes us to place where life exists. So it's your luck to get a girl actually me the thinking just like you and I'm very happy for you…

The boy said: I thought all these days to have come here just to make you both meet; now I understand that you came to in my life to make us meet.

Thank You!

The first love is not a diminishing lamp, but a fire. It keeps on till the last breathe.
But you're my always be my remembrance and you're my life. I'll wait for you in my whole life don't worry baby.

Love You!

Then the girl said: You too have a good heart like your beautiful character. Your thought to make love of the life win will make your love win. So, I think you loved me more than your life. Love of such a person should not lose it should win. Thus, I wish you to win.

Love You!

Conclusion of the story: -

If we go searching for love the love comes in search of us.
The main requirement for love is the lovable eyes and the beautiful heart also.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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