A Tree Can'T Sing Poem by Sandy Player

A Tree Can'T Sing

Rating: 2.8

A tree can't sing;
They say mice go 'squeak'
And fish go 'sploosh'
But a tree is renowned for
Its taciturn trunk.
Its teeth of dead bark,
Chocolate brown,
Bite together to block the tongue
From ever becoming a lingua.
Birds perch on its attempt to do so.
They sound their arie,
Or croak coarse cacophonies
To their fat chicks and partners.
A tree must simply cover it's face
In its willowy fringe
And wait for Autumn to take its leaf
And Winter to frost it's sap.

But it never quite happens
And a tree is caught in a new world
Blooming ferociously into being.
So he remakes his old, shed clothes
And hides from the
Scoffing serenades of an unphased nature.

I wish the tales of ten thousand and two trees to be heard
They may take their roots out of the mud yet.

Scotty Dogg 13 September 2013

Terrific poem!

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Søren Valentine 12 September 2013

It's teeth of dead bark.... That is my favourite line. I love the whole poem. It's very good, sort of melancholy as you first taste it. Then you relate... and by you I mean me. Very very well writen but I feel the chocolate brown line detracts from the poem by taking away from the image presented. That's just my opinion. Anyway, great job!

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